Veterinary Histology UFF
Department of Morphology - Biomedic Institue
LaBEc - Laboratory of Cellular and Extracellular Biomorphology
Veterinary Histology Atlas

Digestive System

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Lined stratified squamous epithelium or not, depending on the species, with typical lamina propria and muscularis mucosa composed of smooth muscle fibers rather fragmented. Submucosal glands filled with mucus secretion and muscle layers formed either by striated muscle disorders (third stage), a mix of fiber striated skeletal and smooth (average) and smooth muscle cells (final third).

M: Mucosa

MM: Muscularis Mucosae (fragmentada e decontínua)

S: Submucosa (com glândulas esofagianas)

ML: Muscularis Layers

A: Adventitia (not observed in the image)