They are exocrine glands that produce saliva, which has digestive,
lubricant and protective functions. They are made up of lobules
separated by septa of connective tissue that originate from
a capsule.
• The presence of food in the mouth, as well as smell
and sight, stimulate the salivary glands to secrete saliva that
contains the enzyme, salivary amylase or ptyalin, besides salts
and other substances. The salivary amylase digests amide and
other polysaccharides (e.g. glycogen), reducing them into maltose
molecules (disaccharides).
Formed by acini with mucous or serous cells, and myoepithelial
• Serous Cells:
-Pyramid-shaped, with a wide base lying on a basal lamina and
an apex with small and irregular microvilli towards the lumen
-Possess many granules of acidophilic secretions(apex), has
a basophilic basal region(accumulation of R.E.R.)
Mucous Cells:
-Cubic or Cylindrical Shaped with a flat, oval and peripheral
-Cell not stained much, cytoplasm slightly basophilic (few R.E.R.)
Myoepithelial cells:
-Modified epithelial cells with contractile properties, present
in some simple and compound glands.
-Located around the secreting unit
-The contraction of these cells accelerates the secretion of
saliva and avoids the excessive distension of the secreting
System(Conducting Portion)
• The secreting ends continue and empty their products
in these ducts: They are short ducts, formed by simple cubic
• They converge into the interlobular duct inside the
glandular lobules

Many short intercalated ducts join to form this Duct
• They have radial striations that expand the cell’s
base all the way up to the nucleus. They are formed by
simple columnar epithelium.
• Ultrastructure:
-Present Characteristics of Ion-transporting cells(active
-Invaginations of the basal plasmatic membrane with numerous
elongated mitochondria
• Converge into the interlobular duct inside the
glandular lobules
The Striated Ducts of each lobule converge and empty into the
greater ducts located in the septa of connective tissue that
separates the lobules
• At first, they are formed by Stratified Cubic Epithelium
and then the Distal Portion changes to Stratified Columnar Epithelium
• The Main Duct of each major salivary gland empties into
the oral cavity and has a Stratified Keratinized (or not) Squamous
Epithelium, it depends on the species.
• There exist three major salivary glands that are covered
by a Connective Tissue rich in Collagen Fibers
It’s the largest of all three pair salivary glands and
produces most of the saliva
• Located in the lateral plane, below and in front of
the auricle.
• A Compound Acinar Gland
• Formed exclusively by serous cells
It’s round and around the size of a nut
• Compound Tubuloacinous Gland
• Formed by 90% of serous cells and 10% of mucous cells
with serous demilunes(mixed cells).

Smallest of all three; located below the mucosa of the
mouth’s floor.
• Compound Tubuloacinous Gland
• Mostly mucous cells with a few serous demilunes. |
Exocrine and Endocrine Gland that produces digestive enzymes
and hormones.

Pancreatic Islets(of Langerhans)
• Secrete Insulin and Glucagon hormones.

Compound Acinar Glands formed exclusively by Serous Cells
• A thin capsule of connective tissue covers the
pancreas and sends septa inside it, separating it into
• The acini are surrounded by a basal lamina that
is supported by a delicate and highly vascularized sheet
of Reticular Fibers
• Secretes water, ions and proteases
• Absence of Striated Ducts
• Intercalated ducts converge into the interlobular
ducts with a simple columnar epithelium
• Presence of Centroacinar Cells:
-A pale cell with a very stained nucleus which is found
inside the serous acinus and between them.
-Only exist in the pancreatic acini
It is an organ where the nutrients absorbed in the digestive
tract are processed and stored to be used by other organs
• Captures, transforms, accumulates metabolites, neutralizes
and eliminates toxic substances
• Lined by a thin capsule of Connective Tissue (Glisson’s
• Mixed Exocrine and Endocrine Gland
-Exocrine Portion: Secretes the bile which is important in the
digestion of lipids
-Endocrine Portion: Albumin and Fibrinogen
Hepatic Lobule (swines)
• Hexagonal
• Constituents :
Centrilobular Vein
• Has a wall composed of endothelial cells supported
by scarce quantities of collagen fibers
Cords of Hepatocytes with a radial arrangement
• Epithelial cells grouped into interconnected plates
• Between the cords of hepatocytes we find the sinusoid
• The endothelial cells of the sinusoids are separated
from the hepatocytes by a discontinuous basal lamina and
a subendothelial space(Space of Disse) that has many collagen
and reticular fibers
• The sinusoids with spaced endothelial cells allow
a greater interaction between the blood and the hepatocytes

• Portal Canal or Portal Triad
• Branch of the Portal Vein
-Carries in 70% to 80% of the blood coming from the digestive
system filled with nutrients, toxins and CO2
• Branch of the Hepatic Artery
-Carries in 20% to 30% of the arterial blood rich in O2,
responsible for the oxygenation of the hepatocytes.
• Bile Duct
-Biliary Ductule
-Formed by Columnar or Cubic Simple Epithelium
-Has a distinct sheet of connective tissue
-Transports the bile produced by the hepatocytes to the
hepatic ducts
• Connective Tissue lines the portal canal
• Limiting Plate
-Composed of hepatocytes
-Delimitates the portal
• Space of Mall: Located between the Limiting Plate
and the Portal Space
• Cubic cells with a central nucleus
• Dominions Lateral:
-Invaginations of the membrane of each hepatocyte, that when
adjoined to one another through occlusive and GAP junctions,
delimit the tubular space named Bile Canaliculus
-Bile Canaliculus
-Delimited only by the plasmatic membrane of 2 hepatocytes
-Has a small amount of microvilli inside
-Conduct the gall to the bile ductules
• Basal/ Apical Surfaces facing the Space of Disse, have
many microvilli
• Can have 1 to 2 nuclei
• R.E.R., S.E.R., A.G., Peroxisomes, Mitochondria, Lipid
Droplets and Lysosomes are very evident
• The hepatocyte does not store proteins in secretion
granules in the cytoplasm, instead it continuously secretes
it in the blood circulation.
Specifically Liver Macrophages
• Digest hemoglobin
• Metabolize hematids
• Secrete proteins related to the immune processes
• Destroy bacteria
Lipid storing cells that contain lipid inclusions rich in vitamin
• Capture, store and release retinoids, extracellular
matrix and proteoglycans
The hepatic lobules in swine are separated from each other by
a layer of connective tissue
• Hepatic Regeneration
-Although at a slow rhythm, it has an extraordinary renewing
• Hollow organ with a pear-like shape adhered to the liver’s
• Stores the bile
• Lined by Simple Columnar Epithelium
-Cells with a high amount of mitochondria and nucleus in the
basal third
-All secrete a small amount of mucus
• Typical Lamina Propria
• Muscularis Mucosae without any peculiarities
• The Mucosa Layer has many folds
• Submucosa with mucous glands secreting mucus
• The Muscularis Layer presents connective tissue around
its periphery
• Typical Serosa