
The spleen of chickens is covered by a muscular capsule,
but there are no trabeculae.
The areas of the red and white pulp are less distinct than
in mammals.

• The white pulp spreads out diffusely throughout
the entire spleen
• is formed primarily by small lymphocytes.
• It contains sheeted arteries and occasionally lymphatic
• The red pulp is formed by venous sinuses and anastomosing
cords of reticular cells, macrophages, lymphocytes and haematids.
Thymus |

As in mammals, the thymus is organized in incompletely separated
lobules of cortical and medullar tissue.

• The typical Hassal Corpuscles, similar to those
found in mammals, are not frequently observed.
Instead, diffuse forms of Hassal’s corpuscles, called
reticular structures, are abundant in the medulla.
There are also myoid cells, characterized by a fibrous cytoplasm,
in the medulla.
of Fabricius
The bursa of Fabricius is exclusive to birds.
It is characterized by thick and tall mucous folds(plicae)
filled with numerous polyhedral follicles.

• Each follicle, composed of lymphatic tissue, divides
itself into a cortex and medulla.
• A layer of undifferentiated epithelial cells occupy
the border of the medulla, que é separada do córtex
por uma camada capilar.
• The Bursa of Fabricius is lined by a pseudostratified
epithelial, except at the apex of each follicle that is
covered by an epithelial tuft of simple columnar cells.