Each glomerulus contains a compact mass of mesangial cells
at its center.
A layer of podocytes with large round nuclei cover the surface
of the glomerular capillaries forming the glomerular epithelium
of the Bowman capsule.
• The capsular (parietal) layer of Bowman’s
capsule consists of a simple squamous epithelium.
• Juxtavascular cells and a macula densa associate
themselves with the renal corpuscle at its vascular pole. |
• The collecting tubules occur in the more peripheral walls
of the cortex.
• They are lined by pale cells with cuboidal or columnar
• The collecting tubules join the distal contorted tubules
to the perilobular collecting ducts.
- The latter join with those of the other lobules to form the
medullary tracts.
- The tracts group to form a medullary cone.
- Each cone ends in a single branch of the ureter.
• The lining of the smaller collecting ducts is simple cuboidal
epithelium. It gradually becomes simple columnar and finally turns
into pseudostratified columnar close the ureteral branch.
• The ureter of chickens is a muscular tubule of approximately
2mm in diameter.
• Its wall consists of mucosa, muscular and adventitial
• It is generally lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
• Underneath the epithelium, there is a thick layer of loose
connective tissue that contains various amounts of diffuse lymphatic
tissue and sometimes a lymph nodule.
• Each muscle layer consists of an internal longitudinal
layer and an external circular smooth muscle layer.
• A third external longitudinal layer is found close to
the cloaca.
• The adventitial layer consists of a layer of loose connective
tissue. |